Have the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Finalized their Christmas Plans?
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are just like the rest of us; they have to worry about how to spend their time with their respective families during the holiday season, and having the only grandchild on both sides of the family only makes it that much more difficult. Of course, Kate Middleton’s family wants to spend Christmas with their eldest daughter and their first grandson, but the royal family also wants to spend the holiday with their own Prince William and their own grandson. So what is a royal family to do?
The past few holidays have been handled by the Duke and Duchess much the same way as many married couples; this year with his family and next year with hers. Alternating years seems like a nice idea, but there is a rumor from the palace that the royal couple might choose to do things a bit differently this year. As any new family wants to do, the royal couple likely wants to spend the holiday morning with their own little family before committing to the rest of the royal family. For that reason, it seems the couple is rumored to spend the season at their own home, Anmer Hall, in which they are located centrally between the Queen’s holiday home and the Middleton’s family home. This allows the royal couple to split their time between the two families and their own family without any Christmas drama from here on out.
Of course, with the Duchess due to give birth only four months following the Christmas holiday, the couple might want to stay a bit close to home. It’s no secret the Duchess has suffered some serious morning sickness for a second time with her second pregnancy, and a low-key holiday amid a busy royal schedule might be just the ticket for this growing family.
Photo by John Stillwell – WPA Pool/Getty Images