Getting to Know the Cast of Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty hit with a bang when it was first released. I don’t know abou the rest of the world, but it’s huge here in the south. Just far enough south in Florida to enjoy year-round gorgeous weather and every weekend on the boat in the Gulf, but just far enough north to know that hunting is a big deal and people love the great outdoors; people here love this show. It’s made an impact, and mostly because of the hilarious wit and banter this family has to offer the world. Not knowing much about them myself, I do know that they have core family values and that they tend to view family and God above all else – and that’s a big deal in the south. With that said, you might want to get to know the cast a bit better yourself.
Phil Robertson
He’s the man behind the command. He founded this company, Duck Commander, back in the early 1970s and he’s worked from his living room much of his career. He was a high-school athlete and an avid hunter growing up, and he even played ahead of Terry Bradshaw as the quarterback for Louisiana Tech when he went to college. However, he felt a different calling and decided that he would rather go after his Master’s Degree and teach before he finally began his own company. He loved to hunt, but hated that all the duck calls on the market were not good enough. So he created his own and the rest, as they say, is history.
Kay Robertson
She’s the matriarch of the family, and the best cook around. In fact, she often feeds everyone and anyone that comes through her door and she is quite proud of that. She loves the idea of being the person there for everyone, and she is not about to allow anyone to say anything that she does not believe to be true or agree with. At the end of the day, it’s her word that is most important.
Uncle Si Robertson
He is hilarious, and that is about all you need to know. He is the brother of Phil and the uncle to everyone else, and he is a crack up. He spends his time doing one very important job – he fashions reeds to go into every duck call. However, he’s easily distracted and often finds himself in the middle of other things that make him irritating in a very loving way to the rest of his family. He’s a Vietnam Vet with more stories than time and he is married to Christine. They have two adult children who each have four sons of their own, and that makes for a big family for these two and their kids. His words are hilarious, his personality even funnier and he might just be the reason that people watch this show. I know I love seeing his memes online, so he must be really hilarious in real life.
Willie Robertson
He’s the CEO of Duck Commander and Buck Commander, and he has five kids. He’s also a writer, a husband and he has a core family value. He and his wife, Korie, are high school sweethearts and they take their role as parents very seriously. But not so seriously that they don’t enjoy spending as much time embarrassing their kids as possible. He’s been able to take a business that was founded in the 70s and turn it into a successful franchise in the course of a few short years.
Korie Robertson
She’s the wife of Willie, and his lifelong love. These two have had a thing for one another since the 3rd grade when he asked her on a ‘date’ at camp, and she said yes. Now they have five kids, and they married a year after they graduated high school. She is his business partner and his life partner, and they have quite the life together.
Jase Robertson
He’s been into duck hunting since he was 8, and realized that this was the only way he’d get to spend any time with his father. During his childhood, he missed school as often as possible to hunt with his father all the way to the point that he missed the exact number of days allowed before he was in trouble. He married a girl he used to get back at his ex-girlfriend more than 20 years ago, and he’s got three kids with her. They’ve never been happier.
Missy Robertson
She is not from a large family, and she really had to work hard to make sure she fit in and could handle the pressure of being from a large family. She has always been well liked by everyone in the Robertson clan, and she has made herself right at home raising three kids with her husband. She is a philanthropist who loves to sing and write music, volunteering her time to teach music at her children’s school. She is big into her church and her community, and you wouldn’t have a nicer friend if you tried.
Jep Robertson
He’s the youngest of the boys, and he is also the best with the camera. That’s his job within the company, and he does it quite well. He is a father of four and he is married to Jessica, and they have a life they really enjoy. It’s he that is in charge of all the photos and DVDs produced by the company, and he is proud of his work.
Jessica Robertson
She’s the newest wife in the clan, but she’s been around for a decade and a half now. She and Jep met in 2001, got engaged and got married less than two weeks later. Now they have four kids and they work together as collaborators as often as possible. She is a former real estate agent, and she has a degree and a background in business.
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