Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in the Movies

kevin bacon

Kevin Bacon has been in something like a gazillion movies, and it’s because he is darn good at what he does for a living. He is a phenomenal actor, and that’s one of the reasons people just keep hiring him to work in Hollywood. His career spans many decades, and it’s one that is so good you can’t deny how successful it’s been. But if we are honest, it’s not the fact that he’s been in just about every movie in the world – he hasn’t, but it does seem that way – that people know him best for; it’s the fact that people are always playing a little game called “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” mocking the game “Six Degrees of Separation,” which is a sort of game that tells you that every person on this earth is somehow connected by no more than six people. We don’t know if it’s really truth or not, but don’t you want to know how Kevin Bacon became the guy with whom Hollywood best identifies? Well we have the answer for you.

Kevin Bacon has been in a lot of movies. When you are in a lot of movies, you work with a lot of people. At one point more than two decades ago, Bacon made the comment that he’d worked with everyone in Hollywood or someone who has worked with them. When he said that, someone else decided to create a game that would see if it’s true. So far, it’s mostly true. The actor has worked with just about every major player in Hollywood, but no more than one or two degrees apart. When the game is played, it’s really hard to find someone who is not six degrees separated from the actor. In fact, we dare you to try and play the game to see if you could find a connection – or better yet, a lack of connection.

Photo by Kevin Roche/WBTV via Getty Images

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