Miley Cyrus Has had Plenty to Say in 2014 But Some Stuff Will Raise Eyebrows Forever
Miley Cyrus was first thrust upon the world as a child. She was the star of the hit Disney Channel show, “Hannah Montana,” and she made her foray into singing because of that character. For years she toured and sang as Hannah Montana before she decided to start her own career using her own name. The daughter of “Achy Breaky Heart,” singer Billy Ray Cyrus has had a successful career, despite the controversy she’s brought over the past year and a half or so. Even though she’s no longer interested in being known as the Disney kid, Miley Cyrus has some pretty funny things to say. Here are some of her funniest quotes of 2014.
“Even though parents probably won’t think this, I think my show is educational for kids,”
Miley Cyrus gave an interview in early 2014 in which she discussed the educational quality of her Bangerz tour for small children. She is used to having kids in the audience at her shows because she was a Disney singer for such a long time. As a parent, I’m included to agree with the first half of this quote; a small child nor a preteen or teen has any need to watch a young adult gyrate, touch herself and dance mostly naked on stage.
“I’m excited to take this tour to places where art like this wouldn’t be accepted, where kids wouldn’t learn about this different kind of art,”
In this quote, Cyrus is also referring to her Bangerz tour. She believes that her type of music and her type of dancing is art. And to some, it is. It’s the kind of art that most parents do not want their children exposed to. It’s borderline inappropriate for adults, and most parents wouldn’t consider taking their kids on a field trip to the local gentleman’s club and they feel that this particular tour’s ‘art’ isn’t much different than that.
“I just don’t get what half the girls are wearing,”
Miley, it’s called clothing. The girls are wearing clothing. In the past year and a half since Miley Cyrus has decided to go from your everyday young woman to whatever her personal style is right now has confused her greatly. She no longer remembers what stores such as J.Crew and Old Navy and The Gap are selling- and she’s not into that look anymore. However, most girls who are in school aren’t permitted to wear onesies, so it’s to the mall they must go.
“You don’t have to wear makeup,”
This is the line that Cyrus uses when attempting to explain to young girls that they don’t need to wear makeup to be beautiful. What’s funny about this one is that she says it while wearing a full face of makeup, false eyelashes and more red lipstick than your local MAC boutique. She’s right; you don’t have to wear makeup to be beautiful, but it does help if you occasionally practice what you preach when you’re saying your goal is to help young girls find themselves.
“She did what I did in such as crazier way,”
In this particular quote, Miley Cyrus is discussing her idol, Joan Jett. She’s comparing what Joan Jett did back in her day to what Miley is doing now. Jett is one of the most legendary rock stars of all time. This is not to say that Cyrus isn’t a phenomenal singer and performer, but at this point in time she’s known as being the little girl from the Disney channel that cut her hair and became well you know, so we aren’t sure it’s entirely appropriate for her to compare herself to Joan Jett at this point in her career.
“I’m not Disney,”
No, Miley Cyrus, you are not Disney. No one but Walt Disney is Disney. However, it might be a good idea to say fewer negative things about the company that made you a star. Without the start you were given thanks to Disney and their major fame, you wouldn’t be where you are today. It’s a good idea in all business practices not to burn bridges where they aren’t meant to be burned, and while the world knows you’re not Disney, you don’t have to go so far to prove it.
“I’m not making any kind of statement,”
She’s a bit contradictive here. She said she’s the new Joan Jett and that she’s not Disney and that she’s not going to be your typical woman with a perfect body and long blonde hair, yet she’s not making a statement. She’s just existing without making any kind of statement. What we don’t think Cyrus realizes is that everything she does is making a statement, and it comes across that the statement she’s making without making a statement (does that make sense?) is that she’s not a little girl. We think one day she’ll look back on this one and have a giggle.
“Anyone who hates on you is always below you, because they’re just jealous of what you have,”
This is a true and honest statement, and it’s nice to hear a girl of Cyrus’ age understand this one. It’s a bit of a situation that’s difficult to explain. No, not everyone that dislikes you is jealous. Some people simple don’t like some people and it’s just a difference in personality and beliefs. However, those who hate usually are jealous. You can dislike someone without saying anything negative or speaking ill, which is all right. What you can’t do is call names, hate on someone and speak ill of others because that’s the first sign of jealousy.
“We never were inside, and we never wore shoes. I think it’s why I like wearing no clothes so much”
Okay. Miley Cyrus grew up like the rest of us. She played outside a lot, didn’t wear shoes in the yard and she’s someone who enjoyed that lifestyle. However, I’m not sure most of us would compare our childhood days of being shoe-free in the yard with our desire to be clothing free. However, whatever works for her works for us.
“If no one buys my album, cool. It’s fine,”
Miley Cyrus said this of her feelings of her newest album, Bangerz. Of course, she did say this after the album sold like crazy, so it’s a safe bet. However, it’s probably safe to assume that she would have been just a little bit disappointed if no one bought her album. It’s not like she didn’t spend months writing songs and working in the studio to make it a reality, so we think she would have been very disappointed if it wasn’t something that sold well.
“I’ve got a house, and I’ve got dogs that I love. I don’t need anything else,”
It’s nice that she’s got this frame of mind. Most of us are too quick to forget that it’s the little things in life that matter most. For most of us, our homes, pets and families are the most important things in life and we forget that without them nothing else would matter. However, Cyrus makes a good point when she says she doesn’t need anything else in life. Without these things, life just isn’t all that amazing. With them, it’s much more fun and enjoyable.
“I have a lot of people that I could call and hang out with, but I have very few friends, if that makes any sense,”
That makes perfect sense to us. Most of us, when we reach a certain age, lose the quantity and focus on the quality of our friendships. It’s something we never would consider growing up. Having the most friends is what seems like the right thing to do. Without dozens of friends, life doesn’t seem worthwhile. However, it’s so different when you grow up. You begin to realize that acquaintances are great, but it’s those true, few friends you have that are the ones you really love the most and are the most important.
“I don’t love kids,”
Well, not everyone does. And there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s actually right about that is the fact that you are currently in no place in life to have kids, so the fact that you willingly admit you don’t love them leaves the world feeling pretty good that you’re not going to go out and have some kids that you’re not going to spend any time with, raise around people they shouldn’t be raised around and be the kind of parent that sets a bad influence. So, actually, good for you for not loving kids!
“Sometimes I hear kids with their parents and I want to go over and like, smack them myself,”
It’s not nice to use violence with children (just ask Adrian Peterson) but the world is picking up what you’re putting down, Miley Cyrus. Kids today are more disrespectful, rude and entitled than they ever were in the past, and it’s a good thing that you recognize this. Kids are awful to their parents thanks to this new-fangled way of parenting that involves being your kids’ bestie instead of her parent, and that’s not good. I’m certain a lot of parents would welcome a little bit of Miley Cyrus discipline if it meant more respectful kids.
“If I ever talked to my mom like that when I was a kid, I would have had no phone, no computer, no TV, no anything. And so, yeah, kids are just mean,”
Cyrus says this because she meets a lot of kids in her line of work. They are her fans and they love her, so she encounters them asking their parents to take pictures and being rude to their mothers if they don’t take a good photo of them with Miley. She’s correct. I think most of us can agree that if we ever spoke to our parents the way so many kids do now-a-days, we’d have some serious apologizing to do, and we certainly would not have the opportunity to have any fun for a while.
“I think water’s like, a really important thing,”
Yes, yes it is. Since our bodies are made up of mostly water and the earth is made up of mostly water, it does make sense to consider it an important resource. It’s good she thinks that. Even if it’s a funny thing to say about water. Perhaps the world should stop laughing at this one and just be thankful that the thing she’s talking about is water and not some other type of liquid that’s also clear and probably not such a good thing.
“I always say the minute I stop making mistakes is the minute I stop learning and I’ve definitely learned a lot,”
Funnily enough, this is true. The moment we all stop making mistakes, we stop learning. That is the true beauty of making a mistake. We get to make them and we don’t love making mistakes, but we actually learn and grow and become better, more intelligent people in the moment. Mistakes aren’t fun, but they’re educational. This is one of the best quotes ever to come from Cyrus, and it shows that even though she’s going through a life change at the moment, she’s still got it.
“I stick my tongue out because I hate smiling in pictures. It’s so awkward. It looks so cheesy,”
Yes, because smiling is cheesy but sticking out your tongue is so natural and not at all cheesy. Miley, the world has to laugh at this one because, well, it’s funny. Smiling is a way of expressing happiness and contentment in your life, not something that’s cheesy. Imagine replacing all photos in which people are smiling with tongues sticking out and I think that the world would look a bit like it’s going to the dogs, who are notorious for using their tongues in pictures.
“I know what I’m doing. I know I’m shocking you,”
She says this of her sudden transformation from girl next door to, well, whatever she’s become. It’s statements like these that make it difficult for the rest of the world to truly believe that Cyrus isn’t deliberately making the choices and using the style that she’s using as a way of getting more publicity and more attention. It’s like she wants us to think she’s controversial, because the world will pay more attention to her if she behave this way.
“People like controversy because that’s what sells,”
She’s got a point. We’d all rather pick up a tabloid talking about scandal than one that’s talking about someone else’s happily ever after. Perhaps it’s because most of us live a relatively normal life in which there just isn’t much scandal, or perhaps it’s because reading about other people’s downfalls makes some people feel better about their own situation. Whatever it is, Cyrus is certainly right about it.
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