Five Hilarious Tweets from Katt Williams’ Parody Twitter Account
In his prime, Katt Williams was one of the funniest comedians on the scene. During the early 2000s, Williams successfully transitioned from an on-stage stand up comedian to an on-screen presence. In the 2002 film, Friday After Next, Williams made his film debut as a humorous pimp named Money Mike. After his appearance in the film, Williams’ career on both the big and small screen quickly took off. Williams became known for his in-your-face brand of comedy, and almost nothing was off-limits to become the subject of one of his jokes. However, fans didn’t seem to mind, and several of Williams’most famous skits and jokes were often reenacted by those who just couldn’t get enough of the comedian. Even after Williams’ career experienced a decline, his fans continued to keep his legacy alive.
Throughout the years, those who love Williams’ work have also proven that he isn’t the only one that can create a few laughs. Williams’ fans have created several parody accounts on the social networking website, Twitter, and have used the pages to publish a few jokes of their own. Here are the funniest tweets from the @ImKattWilliams parody Twitter account.
I just saw a poster that said "have you seen this man?" With a number to call…… So I called the number and told them, "No."
— Katt Williams (@ImKattWiIIiams) October 27, 2014
Missing person’s hotlines are nothing to play with; however @ImKattWilliams, like the real Katt Williams, apparently has no boundaries.
Whenever I get mad, I just imagine a T-rex trying to pick up a basketball.
— Katt Williams (@ImKattWiIIiams) October 24, 2014
The Tyrannosaurus rex is well notoriously known for it’s unusually short arms. Trying to picture a T-Rex picking up anything will more than likely bring a smile to your face when you’re feeling down.
You're beautiful until your Photoshop 30 day trial is gone.
— Katt Williams (@ImKattWiIIiams) October 21, 2014
In the day of airbrushed photos and fake internet profiles, it is becoming increasingly easier for people to digitally enhance their photographs. But thanks to free trials, we all have the chance to be beautiful – even if it is only for 30 days.
My girlfriend is like my Ferrari! I don't have one -__-
— Katt Williams (@ImKattWiIIiams) October 19, 2014
This has got to be an extremely painful realization; however, you know times have gotten even worse when your chances of getting a Ferrari are higher than your chances of getting a girlfriend.
Moonwalking into jail because you're a smooth criminal.
— Katt Williams (@ImKattWiIIiams) October 8, 2014
Michael Jackson would probably be proud to see his songs used in such a clever statement.
(Photo by Vince Bucci/Getty Images)