10 Reasons Why Kendall and Kylie Jenner Will Earn More than the Kardashians
Over the last several years, the Kardashian/Jenner crew has become one of the most well-known families in the country. Although most people are still confused as to why they’re so famous in the first place, the family has managed to turn what should have been 15 minutes of fame into more than a decade. However, while Kim K and her Kardashian siblings have often be at the forefront of the fame, her younger siblings are quickly making their way to the top. Although they are both still teenagers, both Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner have definitely taken over the spotlight recently, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going anywhere. As their older siblings begin to start their own families and focus their attention on things other than reality TV, there will definitely be a huge window of opportunity opening for Kendall and Kylie. Here are 10 reasons why Kendall and Kylie will earn more than the Kardashians.
They’ve got huge social media followings
These days, having a social media presence is extremely important. While some stars refuse to get on board, others take full advantage of the opportunity to connect with their fans. However, although being more accessible is one of the biggest perks of social media, it’s also a great marketing tool. Celebrities can actually use their various social media accounts to make extra money. With 69.6 Instagram followers between the both of them, Kendall and Kylie can definitely use social media to their advantage.
They’re already two of the most influential young people
Like it or not, Kendall and Kylie are two of the most influential teenagers in the United States. As a result, there are young women everywhere who want to be just like them, and young men who want to date someone like them. While that may not mean a lot to some people, it’s a pretty big deal – especially with the purchasing power that teenage consumers have. All of that money these kids are ‘borrowing’ from their parents has to go somewhere, and they don’t mind spending it on things that are associated with their favorite stars.
They can learn from their older siblings’
Unlike many other young stars, Kendall and Kylie can benefit from the fact that their older sisters have all managed to find pop culture success, and make millions of dollars because of it. With the help of their sisters, Kendall and Kylie can learn the do’s and don’t of being young, rich, and famous.
They’re younger
Age may be nothing more than a number, but when it comes to the entertainment industry, those numbers can be pretty important. Still both in their teens, Kendall and Kylie are already work millions of dollars each, and in many ways, they have yet to reach their peak. While their older sisters didn’t reach fame until well into their 20s, these two have the advantage of having been relatively famous for most of their lives.
They’re building their brands
While the Kardashians have always relied heavily on their reality TV show, Kendall and Kylie have decided to build brands that are completely independent of the show. Even now, both sisters have become more well-known for their work outside of the show, and they’re both focusing on projects that can help get their names out there. As time continues to pass, people may even eventually forget that Kendall and Kylie were once cute little girls in the background on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
They have endless possibilities
Thanks to their famous families, Kendall and Kylie have doors open to them that weren’t available to the Kardashians. As they continue to gain popularity, they’ll likely eventually earn TV and possibly even movie roles. If they’re lucky enough to be taken seriously as actresses, they’ll definitely be able to bring in some major money.
They’re branching out from reality TV
Together, Kendall and Kylie have already embarked on several successful business ventures that have helped increase their income. Kendall has a legitimate modeling career and has walked in shows all around the world, and Kylie has her own hair extension line. The sisters have also collaborated several times and have a clothing line together as well as a book.
They’re already millionaires
Earlier this year, many people were stunned when several Internet sources began discussing Kendall and Kylie’s net worth. With Kendall worth an estimated $6 million, and Kylie worth an estimated $5, the sisters are well on their way to surpassing their Kardashian sibs. Although it’s going to take them a while to catch up to Kim K’s $85 million, it’s definitely possible if they play their cards right.
They can stand on their own two feet
There may be a lot of people who don’t like Kendall and Kylie, but if there’s one thing no one can take away from these two it’s the fact that they aren’t constantly living off their sisters’ names. Sure, they have Kim to thank for putting them in the spotlight in the first place, but for the most part, both Kendall and Kylie have done their own thing.
They stick together
With all of the money, fame, and constant distractions, it can be easy to lose focus. Seriously, imagine being able to have anything you want at such a young age. Fortunately, for Kendall and Kylie, they have each other – and they can rely on their relationship for strength and support when things get tough. Also, the two seem to have very different personalities, and hopefully they’ll be able to balance each other out when necessary.
(Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)