10 Things You Didn’t Know about Monie Cashette
You might know Monie Cashette from her role on the hit series Little Women: Atlanta, but we bet you didn’t know a few things about her. She’s big on making sure people know how she feels. She’s big on drama, and she’s big on making sure the world knows who she is. Some people love her, and some people don’t. either way, you can’t escape the fact that her personality is perfect for reality television and she’s killing it. Are you a fan? I don’t watch the show, so I’m learning about her as I type, but so far I think that she seems like the kind of woman who might make life interesting – by watching her on television. I’m not sure I’d want the kind of drama everyone says she brings in real life, but I don’t know her, so I’m not taking anyone else’s word. On that note, let’s just get to know Monie Cashette ourselves and make that decision individually.
Her real name is not Monie
Monie Cashette’s real name is actually Tiffany, which I just so happen to feel is a lovely, beautiful name in every possible way. In fact, I actually think this is the kind of name that works well for anything. Me, the best jewelry store in the world – you get the point. It’s a good name, and we are a little disappointed it is not the name she goes by on a regular basis.
She’s a southern belle
We love a good southern belle being that we are from Florida, but we aren’t considered southern. What I really adore about Monie Cashette is that she’s not actually from Atlanta, either. She’s adopted the southern belle thing hailing from Houston. Thought, let’s be clear; Texas is the south. The accent is the same, the southern hospitality is the same, the food is the same. Let’s all just call it what it is; the south.
She’s more like a Jersey Housewife
Or more like Tamra Judge, we might say. You don’t particularly expect women from the south to throw their cocktails at other women in a fit of anger. In fact, you expect them to stand up brusquely and say something along the lines of, “Bless your heart, darlin’. I’ll pray for you,” with a tight smile and rigid posture before walking out of a situation not to her liking.
She seems to have lost some of her friends
It appears that becoming a reality television star has not been all that kind to Monie Cashette. It appears that while she was good friends with some of the other stars of the show prior to the filming of the show, some personal drama managed to get in their way and they were unable to actually let it go throughout the course of filming. The women she called friends in the past don’t seem to want to call themselves her friend anymore.
She’s actually the tallest of the cast
The show is technically about little women, but Monie Cashette is actually quite a bit taller than the rest of the cast whether or not she is in shoes or not. She’s still considered a little woman by all means, but she’s just a little bit taller than most. We don’t know why, so please don’t ask. We just know that she seems to have some height on them. In fact, she’s actually 4’6, which is pretty tall for a little woman.
She’s a devout Christian
It might not always seem like it in her behavior and her language, but Monie Cashette is a devout Christian. She is always praising Jesus, taking a moment to pray and being sure that she is doing what she needs to do to get right with Jesus. We love Jesus over here, but we aren’t sure we would be comfortable behaving the same way that she behaves. On that note, we don’t judge, but we do think that her habit of prayer is a good one.
She’s not entirely trusting of Minnie
It would seem that Minnie has a habit of lying to Monie, and that is the root cause of the stress in their relationship. They seem to believe that she might make things up in the cast of this particular reality television show, and that is why so many of the women in the show were unsure when Minnie announced she was pregnant. It’s a pretty sad thing to doubt, but she did doubt it and we aren’t sure why they were doubting it at the time, but now we know.
She calls herself Yung Monie
Kind of like there is a rapper by the name of Young Money, she calls herself yung monie on Twitter. It’s an interesting choice, considering she seemed to be out of work for a while when their reality show was first filming, and we aren’t sure that she knows just how well she is doing. However, we do know that she’s doing much better now than she was in the past, and we do appreciate that about her.
She’s got strong opinions
If there is one thing that people know for certain about Monie Cashette, it’s that she is not someone who has a tendency to stay quiet about her real feelings. In fact, she is someone who is quite likely to say exactly what she is feeling, but she doesn’t do it until she feels she is 100% right about things. She has very strong feelings, and she’s not afraid to discuss them when she feels the time is right.
She loves her fans
Monie Cashette is very active on social media, and she seems to really appreciate her fans. She’s thankful for their love for her, and she likes to retweet the things that they have to say. She’s a woman who seems to know that her fans are the most important part of her life, and she’s not too ashamed of being part of that on social media. We like it.
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