Bachelor Women Throw Juan Pablo Galavis Under the Bus
I should tell you what I heard last night about the Bachelor in a stand up bit that comedian Chris D’Elia did for the (new NBC show) Undateable comedy tour, but sadly, I can’t. Not the kind of thing we print, but let me just put it this way. The Bachelor, in theory alone, is an insane show. Get a bunch of women, have them all date the same guy and then he gets to dump all but one of them, on TV. Well, they say heck has no fury like a woman scorned. Well, what about dozens of women scorned at the same time, by the same man? In this case we are talking about the Bachelor women. Yeah, it’s pretty bad.
So the Bachelor women have come out from the other end of this season and have decided to tell the world that Bachelor Juan Pablo was, shock shock, a bit of a jerk. They did this on a follow up episode of the show hosted by Chris Harrison, and they let it all out. Wait a minute here. A guy who went on a reality show and dated dozens of women at once is a bit slimy? No, you don’t say. That is about as shocking as Lady Gaga wearing something weird. In other words, not at all.
There was also some rage regarding the fact that all the women on the show were there looking for a husband, and they all think Juan Pablo was there looking more for a toy. Okay, time for the obvious news flash of the day. Ladies, if you think you are going to meet a good man on reality TV………
(Photo by Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images)