10 Things You Didn’t Know about Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt is a Pro wrestler who knows how to garner his wits in a match to get to the heart of his opponents worst fears and use it against them. He takes them down emotionally before a match and this is just one of the ways he gains an advantage before the event even gets underway. He’s known for his creepiness and he’s one of those wrestlers that gives his opponents a pounding both mentally and physically, but who is Bray Wyatt really? We know that the wrestling persona is just a part of who the real person is so here are ten things you didn’t know about Bray Wyatt to help you become better acquainted with him.

1. He’s a third generation wrestler

Bray Wyatt comes from a long line of wrestlers. He’s the third generation in his family to be attracted to the sport so you can fairly say that it runs in the blood at this point. He has two brothers working for the WWE. His father is Mike Rotunda with a 20-year career in wrestling, known as I.R.S. His grandfather was the infamous Blackjack who took on the persona of a cowboy that was dressed in black and he certainly was a force to be reckoned with. It’s not hard to understand why Bray is so successful in WWE sports.

2. Wyatt was Husky Harris before he was Bray

If you’re a wrestling fan then you’re probably aware that Bray Wyatt was first known as Duke Rotundo, but he changed his name during his second season of wrestling. Husky Harris was his second ring name and he came across as a wildman. As Husky, he was privileged to be mentored by Cody Rhodes and he was one of the villains that the fans really loved to hate. He pulled it off well, but at that time in his career, he wasn’t the best wrestler. he hadn’t been at it that long and it as Randy Orton that put an end to Husky Harris.

3. He was a state wrestling champion

Few of his fans know that Bray Wyatt was a state wrestling Champion. As an amateur, he won the state wrestling championship when he was still attending the Hernando High School in 2005. He was off to an early start in his career and it began long before he was an adult. Bray was a competitor in the 275 pounds class and its obvious that he was a big boy even way back then.

4. He earned a football scholarship for college

Bray did well in wrestling when he was in high school, but not that many fans know that he was also a football player. He was so good at the sport that he earned a football scholarship to attend Troy University. His position was defensive tackle and guard as a football player. It’s also worth noting that prior to receiving the Troy scholarship he was a player for the College of Sequoias and he was with that team for two seasons. It was there that he earned an All American distinction when he was a sophomore offensive guard. This is what made him stand out in the crowd and why Troy wanted him on their team. He remained at Troy for two years.

5. He left college for a pro-wrestling career

Bray knew what he wanted to do for a living and even though he had a scholarship to Troy, he made the decision to abandon his studies in favor of professional wrestling. He was a high school graduate who had put in four years of college. With only 27 credit hours left to obtain his bachelor’s degree at Troy University, he quit. In 2009, he joined up with WWE and got himself on the main roster.

6. He had a lot of gimmick names

Bray’s first wrestling name was Alex Rotundo. It wasn’t long before he changed it to Duke Rotundo. He changed his in-ring persona again to Husky Harris and when Randy Orton made Husky irrelevant, he went with Axel Mulligan. His grandfather was known as BlackJack Mulligan. His Axel Mulligan character never made it to the television so that’s why most fans aren’t even aware that he ever went by the name and he went back to Husky Harris. He finally found the ideal character and has obtained immense success as Bray Wyatt.

7. His brother is Bo Dallas

Not that many WWE fans are aware of the fact that Bo Dallas is the real lifeblood brother of Bray Wyatt. The characters do not have that much in common and you wouldn’t know they’re even related by seeing them on television, but it’s true. Bo is Bray’s younger brothers and they worked together as a tag team and earned some measure of success in FCW. They wrestled as the Rotunda Brothers and held the Tag Team Championship in Florida on two occasions. This was Bray’s only title reign.

8. Bray has two sons in wrestling

Here’s a fun fact. Bray Wyatt has two sons in wrestling. They are Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. They were introduced to wrestling fans as his first and second son and they kept the gimmick going for a few years but for some unknown reason, WWE decided that they no longer wanted to promote the father-son gimmick and it got even more confusing when they brought Sister Abigail onboard.

9. Bray won the FCW Championship twice

The first FCW championship Bray won was in 2009 when he joined forces with his brother Bo Dallas. The two were known as Duke and Bo Rotundo and they were after the Tag titles. The team dominated the division and earned their Tag titles in the FCW when they defeated Kris Logan and Justin Angel. They were forced to surrender their title to the Dude Busters but they came back in 2012 to defeat Brad Maddox and Eli Cottonwood reclaiming the titles for a month until Corey Graves and Jake Carter dethroned them.

10. He created the character Bray Wyatt

The inspiration of the creation of Bray Wyatt was actually taken from the character that Robert De Niro played in Cape Fear. It was Bray himself that came up with the idea. When fans refer to him as being spooky or creepy, this is precisely the persona that he was going for. Mission successful!

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