Five Reasons You Should be a Demi Lovato Instagram Follower
Demi Lovato is one of our favorites around here, and for a very good reason. She’s just awesome. She’s the kind of awesome that you can’t just make up. The girl is still very young, and she’s been through more than most people in their entire lives. She’s been a kind-of child star, she had her own Disney Channel show, she’s been in public relationships that did not end well, she’s been in hit movies, and she’s been a friend, an enemy and someone the world loves one minute and hates the next. She’s struggled, she’s admitted she’s not perfect, and she’s sought help.
She might not have always made the right decisions, but Demi Lovato has changed her life for the better. The girl has seriously killer pipes, and she’s managed to take herself from a dark, dark place and turn her life around. She is an advocate for being yourself and for being who you are no matter what size, shape, color, gender or kind of person you are. She makes you feel perfect about yourself when speaks, and she’s a role model. She’s a role model because she’s made the changes she needed to make; she shows young girls that perfection is highly overrated and that it can really mess up your life. She took control, and her life is better than ever. We love her, and we love her Instagram account. If you are not following her, we have five reasons you should.
She loves animals
It’s so easy for us to love people who love animals. I know that animals are a lot of work and they don’t fit into every family at every moment in time. For instance, we have four small kids who are busy and keep us busy, and we know that an animal would be all but neglected in our home. It’s a sad situation, but it is what it is. When they are bigger and more self-sufficient, we will finally have the kind of time we need to devote to an animal. Demi Lovato loves them. They love her back; and animals are great judges of character.
She has the best tattoos
Who doesn’t love this amazing tattoo? I’m not someone who has any body art, nor am I interested in getting any; but even I have to admit that her tattoo is kind of the coolest thing we’ve seen all day long.
She is gorgeous
Demi Lovato is beautiful. As in, she is breathtakingly gorgeous in a way that I cannot even begin to describe. She is lovely, perfect, and she is just amazing in every way, shape and form. Who wouldn’t want to follow her on Instagram and use her photos as inspiration each day?
She never forgets where she came from
She’s a Disney Channel star from the start. It’s where she got her start, it’s what made her famous. It’s what she was given in her life, and it’s the platform that allowed her to pursue her other dreams in life. She hasn’t forgotten that, and we appreciate that about her.
She is already a soccer mom
Sometimes you just have to throw on your leggings and workout gear even when you’re not headed to the gym. Why? Because your kids are pains in the you-know-what sometimes and you don’t have time to steam things or find something that makes you feel good. It’s called soccer mom chic; get with it.
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