Five Celebrity Breakups We Could See Reconciling


Celebrities make up and break up and get back together and break up again and things just never seem to work out for them; except sometimes they do. As someone who absolutely does not believe in second chances (if someone doesn’t want to be with you, hurts you or you don’t want to be with them in the first place, why try again?) in love, it’s baffling to me when people break up and make up and do this whole crazy cycle thing. It’s either meant to be or it is not. However, celebs live in a different world and that means that many of them do this regularly. In fact, Nick Cannon recently opened up about the fact that he’s willing to reconcile with Mariah Carey if only she would let him. So that got us to thinking; what are a few of the surprising romances that have ended in Hollywood that we could see turning around and ending happily ever after, after all?

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

Who even knows what’s going on here? They seem like besties but then they seem to be dating other people. At the end of the day, however, they always seem to be together. We spy a reconciliation.

Heidi Klum and Seal

I don’t know what happened here, and it might have been quite ugly. But a couple doesn’t renew their vows annually just to turn around and stay divorced. We think they’ll remarry within a few years. We hope, really.

Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie

These two seem so level-headed. They have a sweet little boy and they seem to get along quite well. Their body language speaks of love, so we would not be surprised to see a reconciliation here. In fact, we hope there is.

Chris Rock and Malaak

They were married for two decades before announcing their split last year. They have kids and a life and all that fun stuff, and we think that a marriage like this deserves another chance. Obviously we don’t know what went wrong, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see this work out.

Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton

There are no two people more perfectly suited for one another and if for no other reason than that, we hope these two can work things out. It wouldn’t really surprise us, anyhow.

Photo by David Livingston/Getty Images

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