Is Hilary Clinton Running for President in 2016?
The next presidential election is not until November 8, 2016, but that doesn’t mean that those who are looking to seek the presidency for themselves aren’t already thinking about it. On a recent visit to the Daily Show, host Jon Stewart put Hilary Rodham Clinton on the spot by asking her flat out if she plans on running for president again.
“She’s here solely for one reason: to publicly and definitively declare her candidacy for president of the United States…I think,” is how the funny host introduced Clinton. Turns out, Clinton was not on the show to announce her plans to run for president in the 2016 election. She was there, however, to plug her new book, which accounts her time as Chief US Diplomat. The name of the book is Hard Choices, and she’s calling it an eyewitness account. However, Stewart didn’t let her talk long about her book.
“I think I speak for everybody when I say, no one cares about the book, they just want to know if you’re running for president,” he joked. The former first lady did not give in to his jokes and make any announcements, but she did touch on a few things from her past time in the White House with former president Bill Clinton. Stewart then tried to talk to the former first lady about her dream office, and asked her whether or not she prefers corners or an office that more of an Oval Office. While she found his line of questioning amusing, she did not confirm nor deny her intentions on running for president in the next election.
“I’ve been amazed at what a cottage industry it is, and so, I kind of expected it would continue, so I’m not really paying a lot of attention,” she said of Stewart’s questions. Whether or not she’s going to run for the presidential seat is still a mystery, but it won’t be long before we know for certain who will be our next presidential candidates.
(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)