Las Vegas Declares November 5 Britney Spears Day
It’s probably safe to say Britney Spears has finally made it. Forget the long list of number one songs, music awards, accolades, successful tours and the number of albums she’s sold in her career; and let’s not even start with the sheer success of her Las Vegas residency. No, Britney Spears can now officially say she’s made it because she finally has her own day. That’s right Britney fans, the pop singer has her own day. November 5 is the official Britney Spears day as appointed by the Clark County Commission in Las Vegas. Along with her own special day, the star will be given a “key” to the city the same day to mark the success of her career, particularly in Vegas.
The news gets even better for Britney fans, however. The star will spend the day hanging out with her fans at the LINQ Promenade on the 5th, answering questions, mingling and signing autographs (what a relaxing way to spend HER day). She’s also doing something a little special for people with the name Britney (spelled any way). The first 100s Britney’s with a valid form of photo identification that show up to the High Roller Wheel House beginning at 8 am on the 5th will get two tickets to the Britney show at Planet Hollywood that night. They will also receive complimentary tickets to the High Roller ride and VIP seating, as well as a commemorative gift. Those who don’t make it into the first 100 Britneys to arrive will still get tickets to the ride and the gift.
The superstar singer will spend the day entertaining her fans on the day that’s specially designed for her, and she’s giving away gifts to her favorite fans with the same name. She hasn’t even been in Vegas a full year, and already her success in the city is so astounding that the people of the city want to recognize the star for her outstanding contribution to the city’s industry.
Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images