Three Major Predictions for Kenya Moore in the Next Decade

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Former beauty queen, Kenya Moore, is now best-known for her role as a cast member on the popular Bravo reality TV series, Real Housewives of Atlanta.  Moore, who joined the show during its fifth season, has become one of the most entertaining people on the show.  Although she does not always get along with her fellow cast mates, more has found a place in the hearts of many viewers.  Although Moore is currently riding on cloud nine with the success of the show, it’s no secret that no good thing can last forever.  Although Real Housewives of Atlanta hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, many people wonder what its stars have planned for the future.  Here are three major predictions for Kenya Moore in the next decade.

3. Kenya Moore will write another book

In 2007, Kenya Moore wrote a book titled, Game, Get Some! However, at the time of the book’s release, Moore was relatively unknown with a modest following.  After being a cast member on Real Housewives of Atlanta, Moore probably has plenty of interesting stories to write about, plus she now has a built-in fan base who would certainly support her book.

2. Kenya Moore will leave the drama in the past.

As a cast member on the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Kenya Moore has gained a reputation for being involved in drama.  In her defense, drama is almost impossible to avoid when you’re on a reality TV show;but, arguing all the time can’t be entertaining forever.  However, in the next decade,  Moore will be will into her 50s, and by then, she will hopefully have learned to leave the drama in the past.

1. Kenya Moore will get married.

According to recent reports, Kenya Moore is still seeing a man she was introduced to by Millionare Matchmaker, Patti Stanger.  Although the relationship is still fresh, if things keep progressing, Moore will probably decide to tie the knot sometime within the next 10 years.

 (Photo by Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images)

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