10 Celebrities Who Spent the Most on Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is an epidemic in many places, but never more obvious than it is in Hollywood. The men and women here can become so obsessed with the idea of changing their faces and their bodies that they spend large sums of money making these changes. While some are good – a little improvement on an imperfect nose, for example – some are not. Some stars end up spending so much on plastic surgery that they no longer look like themselves, and they end up looking older and much worse than they would have had they simply allowed nature to take its course. Read on to find out which 10 celebrities spent too much on plastic surgery – and it didn’t always pay.
Lara Flynn Boyle – $28,000
A lovely woman by nature, she’s suddenly looking a lot puffier and a lot older than she did in the past. It’s because she’s spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries designed to make her look younger, but she’s had so many of them it no longer works. She’s a classic example of a woman who did not need work done in the first place.
Heidi Montag – $30,000
Frankly, we are a little surprised that the form “Hills” star only spent this amount on her numerous surgeries. She was far prettier before, and she ended up having 10 different procedures in one day to help her look more ‘beautiful’ though it did not work. Her breasts are too large, her chin was shaved, she had fat injections added to her cheeks and she even had lip on numerous body parts.
Kathy Griffin – $30,000
Now, we can tell you that she’s one of the few celebrities with good surgery. She actually does look much better now that she did in the past, and she spent her money well. She had her nose done, a brow lift and many other procedures. She had a very dangerous liposuction surgery once, but she came through it with no issues and is far better for it.
Roseanne – $45,000
Her most expensive surgery was by far her gastric bypass, but she’s also had some other work done to improve upon the fact that she lost more than 100 pounds in virtually no time at all and it left her looking a little saggy. If we are honest, we think she looks nothing like her old self – and that’s not necessarily a good thing.
Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner – $60,000+
This is just the beginning for the transgender Olympic Athlete; she has decided to get breast implants, she’s shaved her former Adam’s apple, she’s undergone a jaw reduction, and she’s had other work done. She will likely continue to have more work as she furthers her transition into a woman and while we can speculate on what that might be, we can’t say for certain what type of work that will be.
Barry Manilow – $70,000
Over the years, he’s managed to look, um, almost exactly like he did when he was 40 years younger. It’s been suggested that he’s spent a lot of time and money keeping himself looking young, and it’s working for him. The most noticeable change to his face, because he does keep them minimal if you ask us, is that he has had veneers put in to change the appearance of his teeth, for the better.
Kris Jenner – $70,000
You’ll note that these stars are in order from least expensive to most expensive surgeries, and it’s kind of sad when a woman has spent more on plastic surgery than her ex-husband who is transitioning into a woman and has to be turned into one with surgeries. However, Kris Jenner cannot be outdone by her daughter, so she’s had her chin done, her cheeks done, her eyes done and we speculate that she spends a great deal of time getting injections in various parts of her face.
Chris Maloney – $100,000
For a reality star, he has spent a lot of money to make himself look better. He’s had several nose jobs, his eyes done and he’s had hair implants. Apparently, that naturally receding hairline most men get when they begin to age is not something he felt was good for his look, so he made the decision to get rid of it and move on from it with some other hair in its place. He’s certainly looking younger, but we don’t know if that’s a good thing compared to what he did look like before.
Sharon Osbourne – $185,000
We are not going to lie; she looks amazing. She looks amazing in a way that I cannot even describe to you, so we vote that her plastic surgery budget is one that was put to good use. What we like about her plastic surgery is that while it did make her look younger and more beautiful, it’s not so over the top that she does not look like a real woman. She does; she did not have crazy injections to make her lips huge, she didn’t get larger breasts (she went smaller, but lifted) and she kept her work as natural as possible. Well, she did have her vagina rejuvenated, whatever that means.
Demi Moore – $500,000
She’s gorgeous, and she’s spent about a half million dollars in the past few decades to make sure she stays that way. She has had so much work done that it’s almost impossible to tell, because she’s kept it pretty close to her natural appearance. She likes to keep her surgery as abundant but natural as possible by making sure she doesn’t look too different – just younger. She focuses on things like her kneecaps and her hands, her facelifts and her body lifts. She focuses on things that begin to age that might not necessarily be on her face so that she can maintain her very youthful appearance. It’s working for her, and we guess it’s because she doesn’t do over-the-top surgeries that chance the shape of her face or anything else quite so serious.
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