10 Things We Can’t Stand about Joe Giudice

Joe Giudice the reality star

Joe Giudice is a real piece of work, and he’s someone that just cannot seem to change his reputation no matter how hard he tries. Married to real housewife from New Jersey Theresa Giudice, there are so many rumors that surround his marriage to the reality star that the world finds it nearly impossible to decipher what’s real from what is not. What is true, however, is the fact that this is a man who has no care in the world what anyone else thinks about him. Joe Giudice makes poor decisions, he doesn’t consider the consequences and he puts his family in jeopardy every time he makes one of his awful decisions.

We watch the Jersey housewives and we see him, and we cannot – no matter how hard we try – find it in our hearts to want to give this man the benefit of the doubt. Call it poor editing, call it a phase; call it what you will. This man is difficult to like and difficult to respect. With that said, there are numerous things we cannot stand about Joe Giudice, but these 10 stand out the most.

He’s a Liar

There is nothing more than the world does not like than a liar. When it is so easy to own up to the truth and just accept what you’ve done in your life, why continue to make it so much worse? Joe Giudice has a problem admitting the truth, and that is very obvious based on things like the time he actually lied about his assets in court documents despite the fact that he was facing jail time for lying aready.

He’s a Cheat

How many times has Joe Giudice been accused of cheating on his wife? How many times has he been accused of doing things that are illegal to cheat the system? He’s taken out false loans, he’s created false financial documents and he’s even tried to get a driver’s license using his brother’s identification when his own license was suspended. He’s a cheat; and he doesn’t seem to be the kind of man who cares who or what he’s cheating.

He’s Rude

Let’s be honest; the man is rude. Joe Giudice hasn’t even the same manners as a toddler, and toddlers are notorious for saying rude things. However, they’re cute and they’re learning. He’s a grown man who should know better but doesn’t seem to have the ability to keep his hurtful, rude and out of line comments to himself.

He Cannot Forgive or Forget

Whatever his reasons, Joe Giudice cannot seem to put the past in the past. He has some issues with his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, but he cannot seem to bury the hatchet no matter how much his family and his wife try to encourage him to do so. Forgive and forget do not seem to be things that Joe Giudice understands, and he doesn’t seem to understand that at the end of the day, family is all you have.

He’s Aggressive

When there is an argument or a disagreement of any sort on the real housewives, Joe Giudice is usually involved. He is usually the man at the center of the controversy, and he is usually the one who is quickest to issue threats and throw punches. It’s not an attractive quality for anyone, least of all a grown man with kids to provide an example to and a family to take care of.

He’s not Protective of his Wife

Joe Giudice allowed his wife to take part of his fall when he was accused of all his crimes. He claims he gave her documents to sign and asked her to do so, knowing that they were false and that she could get into trouble. However, there are those of us who think that perhaps Theresa Giudice is not as stupid as she’d like the world to think, and some of us think that maybe he was protecting his wife by saying that she ‘didn’t know’ what she was signing and that he provided the paperwork to her. Some of us think that she had far more to do with their crimes than they’re admitting – so he might actually be very protective of his wife.

He Doesn’t Own up to his Responsibilities

Of course he lied about all his crimes; he didn’t want to get caught. However, Joe Giudice was caught, he was sentenced to prison and he’s faced with the possibility of deportation. And yet, he still cannot own up to his responsibilities and his mistakes and just say, “Hey, look, I screwed up. It is what it is, I’m sorry I got caught and I’m not going to do it again,” which would probably mean a lot to many.

He Lives in a Fantasy World

If there is one thing that Joe Giudice seems to believe more than anything else, it’s that he is successful and doing well. The man has been through bankruptcy, had his belongings this close to being auctioned off and he has a wife in prison and he faces prison himself. Yet he’s still in this fantasy world that all is well and all right. It’s strange and difficult to understand.

He Uses Derogatory Language

We will be the first to tell you that a well placed profane word here and there is not a problem. But there are some words that should just be considered illegal, such as one that begins with a “C” and is used often by Joe Giudice. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, I seem to remember an episode of his wife’s reality show in which he actually called his wife this word and also called his sister-in-law this word. It’s disgusting.

Joe Giudice Thinks he’s Better than Others

He is a criminal who is about to spend the better part of more than three years in prison, essentially missing his kids grow up, and yet he still walks around with an air of superiority when it comes to others. It’s baffling to us that he actually believes he’s better than everyone else, and we cannot seem to understand where he’s coming from or why he feels this way.

Photo by Getty Images

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