James Franco & Seth Rogen Were Asked to Perform at Kimye’s Wedding
The most-anticipated wedding in Hollywood history (is it safe to say that?) has been he subject of dozens of internet rumors for months. It’s going to be at a palace, there’s going to be jets, celebrities, and every other extravagance you can possibly think of…. add one more – James Franco and Seth Rogen performing, maybe…
According to reports, Kanye West was so impressed by James Franco and Seth Rogen’s performance of ‘Bound 3’ that he actually asked them to perform at his wedding. Franco made an appearance on ‘The View’ yesterday and told the panel that West called him to tell him how much he loved their gruesome remake of his video ‘Bound 2’.
“But then two weeks ago, we got a call from Kanye. Seth and I were on the phone. We thought he was just going to let us have it. But he loved it,” Franco said. “And I’m pretty sure I can say it now because I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen — he wanted us to perform it live the night before his wedding at Versailles.”
Sadly, the performance isn’t going to happen, but we wouldn’t have put it past Kimye at all. Whatever they want at their wedding they’re going to get. Speaking of which, remember how we just said there were dozens of internet rumors about their wedding including a palace? I think James Franco just confirmed that Kimye’s wedding is going to take place at the Palace of Versailles. See it’s not a total loss!
Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Comedy Central