10 Things You Didn’t Know about Joy Behar
There’s virtually no doubt that you have at least heard of television host Joy Behar. Aside from her current duties co-hosting the talk show called The View, she’s been involved in a number of other things throughout the years. For the most part, people have a habit of either loving her or hating her but regardless of where you stand, you might be interested in knowing a little bit more about her. Below are 10 of the most interesting things concerning her life. By the time you get finished reading through them, you might begin to understand why is she is such a polarizing individual, at least as far as many people are concerned.
1. She’s not just the TV host
If you think the only thing she’s ever done is be a television host, you would be sorely mistaken. As a matter of fact, she spent a number of years in the spotlight and throughout that time, she has become a successful writer, actress and comedian.
2. She’s been a consistent public figure for more than 30 years
As previously mentioned, she’s been doing this for a while now. As a matter of fact, she first came on the scene as a comedian in 1984 and she’s been steadily finding work ever since. Granted, she’s hosted plenty of television talk shows, but even to this day she continues to go and perform stand-up comedy.
3. She has a college education
She knows that education is important and she spent time getting one of her own. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree at Queens College and then went on to get a Master’s degree at Stony Brook University.
4. This is her second time around co-hosting The View
She actually co-hosted The View once before, starting in 1997 and ending in 2013. At the time she left, no one thought she would ever return. However, she was asked to come back in 2015 and she’s been consistently co-hosting the show ever since.
5. She is a staunch Democrat
If you ever watch the show, you know that she is a Democrat all the way. This is the source for a lot of disagreement between her and at least one other person that co-hosts the show, but it also makes for some of the better debates that occur there. More often than not, she even makes the news concerning something that she has said on the show.
6. She’s also not afraid to state her opinions
As you can imagine, she’s not the least bit afraid to tell people what she thinks and how she feels. She’s never been one to care if she steps on somebody’s toes and she’ll tell you herself that if you don’t like what she has to say, that’s your problem and not hers. She is very direct but that’s one of the things that endears her to certain people. Of course, it also means that it automatically ruffles the feathers of others. Regardless of where you fall personally, you have to respect the fact that she says what she thinks and she doesn’t ride the fence or change her story just because somebody complained.
7. She used to be a teacher
She wasn’t always involved in show business. During the late 1960s and the early part of the 1970s, she was actually an English teacher at a high school. If you think going into show business is scary, imagine what it must be like to deal with a room full of moody teenagers each and every day.
8. She considers herself well prepared for her career as a comedian and television host
She often says that her days as a teacher were some of the best preparation she could ever undergo for her career in show business. It’s not always easy being a stand-up comedian, nor is it easy being in the public eye but she says that to this day, she’s never done anything as difficult as trying to get through to all of those kids in high school who basically wanted to be anywhere but in that classroom.
9. She likes to keep her private life out of the public eye
Despite the fact that she’s been in the public eye for decades, she doesn’t necessarily enjoy it. She tries to keep her private life out of public view and when the two worlds collide, she becomes very frustrated.
10. She won’t be pushed into doing anything she doesn’t want to do
She’s always been her own advocate and she doesn’t allow anyone to push her into doing anything she isn’t ready to do on her own. As a matter of fact, the more people try to push her, the more likely she is to do the exact opposite, perhaps as a visible demonstration of her freedom to do as she pleases.
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