Jada Pinkett Smith Talks Rumors and How She Deals
Jada Pinkett Smith is no stranger to rumors. She and husband Will Smith have been together almost two decades now, and the couple has been through their fair share of rumors, alleged scandals, alleged divorces and many more untruthful rumors in their lengthy relationship and long careers. Fortunately for Smith, she knows how to let it go (because that song was just finally out of your head, wasn’t it?) and move past the rumors without letting it get to her head.
“The coping technique is knowing what the truth is – there’s no better technique. When you know that what’s going on in your house is so the opposite of what’s being said, and you also know that when there’s mystery, people fill in the gaps, that’s okay,” she says of the constant rumors. Some of the most prevalent rumors she’s dealt with over the years is the one that continuously circles about the fact that she and Will Smith have an open marriage.
What the actress is not so comfortable with, however, are rumors about her children. She’s not okay with the media coming to their own conclusions and trying to add intrigue to things that simply aren’t true in the first place.
“Just don’t pollute something that’s not dirty,” she says of the rumors that her daughter was involved in something inappropriate with a much older man photos. The Smith family is all a part of the Hollywood scene, either acting or singing, and they’re used to the limelight. However, it’s not always a good light, which is why she and her family work hard to ignore the rumors and move past the inconsistencies.
(Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)